Friday, November 25, 2011


The thing that really inspires me about freestylin' is the way a rider does his riding.
Iv'e seen thousands of riders and I know that a persons character comes out in their riding, it's called STYLE.
I've seen people that can do every hard and involved trick , but looks boring because they got no style .
Iv'e seen those riders that don't have a bag full of tricks but are so fun to watch because of their style.
Style can't be bought your born with it!
Style over ferretts EVERYDAY.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


The ramp shows have been growing for many years now, got two teams on the road !

Going to be making Drastic changes for 2012 !

These changes will be big and solve a lot of issues that have been ongoing and destroy an issue that is been festering like a rash.

Stay tuned for the details in the next few months.

If you hear about the changes before next season, consider you solid and look forward to a great 2012,

If you don't......

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I thrive on it, its like a fire that lights me up.

One should not bite the hand that feeds it, cause one will find its self not being fed anymore....soon.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Its been a very good school year 2010-2011. More shows and traveling , Now were into the summer Team show season.

Tomorrow we will be in Starbuck,MN. for 3 shows at their heritage festival : 9:00, 10:15 & noon.

Tomorrow evening we will be at Elko speedway for 3 more shows starting at 5::00 pm

New shirts are now available with new color and logo 1

ONLY $11.00 Each at an event!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Client feedback from my shows

Company : Gideon Pond Elementary SchoolContact : Jane KalalCity : BurnsvilleState : MNPhone : 952-894-7059Email : purplejuanita@hotmail.comcomments : Hi Rich, I asked teachers for their feedback regarding your show on Dec.22 and I got only positive comments. Personally, I thought it was great how some ofthe teachers saw your first show and came to see your second one as well. You werefabulous and your stunts had all the students\' eyes riveted to you.Here\'s a comment from one of our Kindergarten teachers: \"My students LOVED theholiday program and so did I! Mr. Wieber was talented and knew how to talk to thekids about important issues at their level. We would welcome him back any time!\" Aonther teacher said, \"My students talked about Rich\'s stunts all day and hismessages were so relevent to their ages. They were reinforcements of what teachersand parents try to convey to children, but in a way that students are receptiveto\".I\'m just so glad that you were able to be there, that you are a \"local talent\"and so affordable! Thank you, thank you!!Jane